My donor is missing transactions

Donations can be assigned to a Profile within the Donor’s Profile and under the “Donations” tab.  Within the “Donations” tab you can “Find Unassigned Donations” and the assign them to the donor’s Profile. To get started, search for the donor’s Profile: 1. Click on “Profiles” at the very top of the page 2. Click on “Find a Profile” from the side menu 3.  Enter the first OR last name for the donor (don’t search for the full name) Read more

How do I assign donations to a Profile?

Donations can be assigned to a Profile by accessing the Donor’s Profile and looking under the Donations tab.  From here you can “Find Unassigned Donations” and the assign those donations to the donor’s Profile. To get started, search for the donor’s Profile: 1. Click on “Profiles” at the very top of the page 2. Click on “Find a Profile” from the side menu 3.  Enter the first OR last name for the donor 4.  Click on Read more

How do I merge two donors’ Profiles?

If you need to transfer donations from one Profile to a new Profile, you will need to delete the current Profile to free up the associated transactions.  Once this Profile has been deleted, you are free to associate the now unassigned donations to the new Profile: 1.  To delete a Profile click on “Profiles” at the very top of the page 2.  Click on “Find a Profile” from the side menu 3.  Enter the first OR Read more

Why did a transaction fail?

Anytime you need to look up or review your failed transactions you will want to generate your Failed Transaction Report. Follow these steps to run your Failed Transaction Report: 1.  Click on “Reporting” at the top of your Qsuite 2.  Click on “Failed Transaction Report” in Financial reporting 3.  Enter you start and end dates (maximum of 90-days at a time) and click “Run” 4.  Your report results will be display which you can choose Read more

How do I Copy a Transaction?

You can take any Transaction Schedule and copy it to start a new transaction. Here are a few instances where copying a transaction might be helpful: donor calls and asks to make an donation – they have given in the past donor gives monthly but calls to make an additional one-time donation donor’s transaction failed but is now ready to make-up the failed transaction with a one-time donation In all of these instances you can Read more

How do I reprocess a failed donation?

You can take any Transaction Schedule and copy it to create a new transaction. Here are a few instances where copying a transaction might be helpful: donor calls and asks to make an donation – they have given in the past donor gives monthly but calls to make an additional one-time donation donor’s transaction failed but is now ready to make-up the failed transaction In all of these instances locate the Transaction Schedule for the donor Read more

How do I edit a Transaction?

Here are the step to Edit a Transaction: 1. Click on “Transactions” at the top of your Qsuite 2.  Search for the donor’s Transaction Schedule by last and/or first name 3.  Click the pencil icon next to the Transaction Schedule you need to edit which is in a “Pending” status (If the item you were hoping to edit shows a “Complete” this means the Transaction Schedule has been fulfilled and the recurring transaction has been completed.  In this case, Read more

How do I update an expiration date?

Here are the step to Edit a Transaction to update the expiration date: 1. Click on “Transactions” at the top of your Qsuite 2.  Search for the donor’s Transaction Schedule by last and/or first name 3.  Click the pencil icon next to the Transaction Schedule you need to edit 4.  Click the [Edit] button to make your changes 5.  Scroll down to “Payment Information” and choose the new expiration date month and year from the drop-downs 6. Read more

How do I change the amount of a donation?

Here are the step to Edit a Transaction to update the donation amount: 1. Click on “Transactions” at the top of your Qsuite 2.  Search for the donor’s Transaction Schedule by last and/or first name 3.  Click the pencil icon next to the Transaction Schedule you need to edit 4.  Click the [Edit] button to make your changes 5.  Scroll down to edit the designations and/or $ amounts 6.  Review your transaction information for accuracy, confirm your information, Read more

How do I change an “In Process” donation?

The transaction status of “In Process” is specific to eCheck transactions.  This status indicates the transaction has reached its Scheduled Date and has been sent to the donor’s bank to collect the funds. The status of “In Process” lets you know the transaction has not paid-out (Reconciled) to your bank account, nor has it been declined (Failed) by their bank.  Transactions in a status of “In Process” cannot be edited or cancelled.  You must wait Read more