How do I change the questions on my event?

You can make changes to the questions in your Event’s Questionnaire while the event is in “Standby” status: add new, edit existing, or delete a question all together.  Once all your edits are made you can reorder your questions by clicking and dragging them into the desired order.  Once your event is “Live”, your questions can no longer be edited, however, you can delete and add new ones and still change the order in which they appear.


To edit the question on your Event:

1.  Click on the EventQ tab

2.  Click on “Events’ in the side menu

3.  Click the pencil icon next to your Event you want to edit

4.  Click on “Registrant” in the event timeline and scroll to the bottom of the page to view your Questionnaire questions


You are now ready to made edits to your questions:

1.  Move your mouse to the left of the Question name until you see the up-down arrow appear.  Click and drag your questions to reposition.

2.  Edit, Inactivate, or Delete your question.


Edit questions , how do I change the questions on my event , how do I change questions? ,  how do I change questions,  how do I edit questions?  , how do I edit questions

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